Taking Back Bacone by Rethinking the Warrior Tradition

For generations in order to survive, Indian people held fast to their long-cherished Warrior Tradition, courageous deeds in battle, best exemplified by the qualities of strength, honor, pride, perserverance, and wisdom. Today, however, books and learning have replaced the bow and arrow as the most effective weapons for survival in the contemporary world.

Since 1880, Bacone College has been in the forefront of efforts to assist Native students in meeting modern challenges through higher education. For 135 years, young Native men and women who have come to our historic campus to participate in this new battle in the classroom rather than on the battlefield, have returned home with experiences and skills that have helped them realize their destinies as valued members of their respective societies. Unfortunately, events over the past few years have marred the college's once excellent reputation.  Today however, we are working to restore our good name and to improve our educational objectives for our American Indian students. 

We understand that education planning at Bacone must provide opportunities for young academic warriors to return to their communites with productive job skills, broadened horizons, improved life choices and prospects, as well as cultural self-fulfillment.  Through the addition of Native instructors and professors, and with the advice of tribes and Native communities, we have created a more relevant, culturally nuanced, and meaningful academic experience for our students.

The Center for American Indians works to promote both academic excellence and social well-being for our Native students. Through programs and activities founded on traditional values and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, we seek to minimize the common transitional difficulties Indian students often face away from home for the first time. At CAI, our greatest mission is to help our American Indian Students rethink the Warrior Tradition and realize their greatest potential by supporting their academic endeavors and cultural integrity.

CAI Services Include:

Academic Advising                                                                                                                                                      Scholarship Assistance                                                                                                                                                  Academic Monitoring, Evaluation, and Assistance                                                                                                           Peer Support and Networking                                                                                                                                      Regular Talking Circles                                                                                                                                                  Social Activities and Fellowship                                                                                                                                 Community Service Opportunities                                                                                                                                           Culture Clubs                                                                                                                                                                    (Arts & Crafts, Stickball, Storytelling, Tribal Language, Song & Dance, and more)

Posted on July 9, 2015 .